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The Atlanta Institute of Music and Media may grant credit for previous training to a student who has completed related training prior to attending the Institute.

The student may be required to successfully complete a challenging examination in the area for which credit is desired.

During the admissions process, students may apply for an advance transfer of credits for courses they previously completed with satisfactory grades (2.0 or better) at an accredited college or university, when such courses reasonably relate to similar courses offered by the Institute.

In such cases, the student must provide official, sealed transcripts and course descriptions for all courses for which s/he is seeking transfer credit.

All advanced credit must be applied for and approved no later than the end of the second week of the initial quarter of study. Consult the Education Director for details regarding the awarding of advanced credits.

Transfer Students | Transfer Credits | Come Visit Our Campus

All students who wish to transfer from one program to another within the Atlanta Institute of Music and Media must be able to successfully meet the entrance requirements (written exam/ video or live audition/ interview process) for the program to be entered.

Students must meet with Admissions and fulfill all necessary admissions requirements no later than the Friday of the first break week between quarters.

AIMM cannot guarantee that the transfer can be immediate; students requiring additional preparation for the program into which they wish to transfer may be required to postpone transfer until the following quarter.

Credit By Exam Policy

A student may wish to earn credit by exam (CBE) for a course or courses in which the student has already gained proficiency. Students wishing to exempt such courses should do the following:

Step 1

Notify the Academic Advisor or Registrar of their interest in gaining credit by exam upon initial registration.

Step 2

Complete AIMM’s “Credit By Exam” form available from the Academic Advisors or Registrar.

Step 3

Complete the exam process with the appropriate instructor and submit all paperwork to the Academic Advisor or Registrar no later than the end of the second week of the student’s first quarter of study.

Step 1

Notify the Academic Advisor or Registrar of their interest in gaining credit by exam upon initial registration.

Step 2

Complete AIMM’s “Credit By Exam” form available from the Academic Advisors or Registrar.

Step 3

Complete the exam process with the appropriate instructor and submit all paperwork to the Academic Advisor or Registrar no later than the end of the second week of the student’s first quarter of study.

Admissions Department

Maggie Bass

Director of Admissions