Students with Special Needs

Under the Americans With Disabilities Act, a person with a disability has a physical or mental impairment; has a record of such impairment; or is regarded as having such an impairment which substantially limits a major life activity such as walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, self-care, or learning.

The Atlanta Institute of Music and Media makes reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities when such accommodations are necessary to ensure equal access to the campus or curriculum.

Your request for accommodation should be as accurate as possible and must be supported with appropriate recent professional documentation, which is less than three years old. You do not need to identify any disabilities for which you are not requesting accommodations.

Students must obtain and complete a Disability Accommodation Request Form and submit it to their Admissions Counselor or Academic Advisor no later than 30 days before the start of classes. Also, recent documentation (within the past three years) from a qualified professional must be submitted separately.

The documentation must include a diagnosis and recommendations by a licensed practitioner who is qualified to diagnose and evaluate the conditions for which you are requesting accommodations at Atlanta Institute of Music and Media.

Please note that high school IEPs alone are never sufficient to document a disability.

This information will be shared with others only as needed to meet your special requirements.

Here is a link to the disability accommodation request form:


Admissions Department

Maggie Bass

Director of Admissions