Campus Crime Statistics

The PDF file below contains information regarding the following crimes on AIMM's campus and public property:

  • Criminal Offenses
  • Hate Crimes
  • VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) Offenses
  • Arrests
  • Disciplinary Actions
  • Unfounded Crimes

Click here to download the Campus Crime Statistics PDF.

Click here to download AIMM's Campus Security Clery Act

Clery Geography Crime Statistics - Gwinnett County Police Department.

Gwinnett County Crime Statistics

For information regarding crime statistics published by the Gwinnett County Police Department, please refer to the link below:

Gwinnett County Crimes Statistics 2023

Gwinnett County Crimes Statistics 2022

Gwinnett County Crimes Statistics 2021

Registered Sex Offenders

Georgia Bureau of Investigation Sex Offender Registry

AIMM Contact Information for Emergencies or Crime Reporting on Campus

President, Nite Driscoll -
Vice President, Dr. Joshua Grau -
Director of Education, Dr. David Mitchell -