Atlanta Music, Media and Audio Post Production School

6 Simple Tips to Crush Your Music School Audition | Preparation Tips

Written by Admin | Sep 6, 2017 1:37:36 PM


Preparing for an audition at a Music School can be very intimidating and stressful.

The preparation is not easy, and practicing for 40 hours every week does not even guarantee your acceptance. 

The truth is, many people think they are ready for their audition and when the time comes, they do not perform well for the simple fact that they know their performance is being evaluated. 


Here are some simple tips to deal with the stress of the situation.


6 Tips To Master Your Music School Audition 

1. Practice in Front of a Professional

During your audition preparation, if you have the opportunity to practice in front of a Music Professional you will gain some insight on what to expect for your actual Music Audition.

Having anyone listen to you is still beneficial. It gives you experience performing in front of an audition. However, a professional will have insight that your friends and family likely will not have.

2. Choose the Appropriate Repertoire

There may be some restrictions that you will be given before your audition, however, you should try to choose a repertoire that makes your musical abilities stand out.

Take the time to choose the right pieces for your audition. 

3. Practice, Practice, Practice

Be sure to prepare for your audition at least six months in advance and practice as much as possible.

No one has ever complained about being too prepared. Think of it this way, the more practice you do now, the more relaxed you'll be on the day of your audition. It's worth it!

4. Rest Before the Audition

Before your big day it is crucial that you not tired or fatigued. Allow yourself the time and rest that is necessary before your music school audition. 

5. Exude Confidence

Making a positive first impression when you walk into the audition is critical to stand out. It is important to walk into your audition with your head held high and a smile on your face.

You don't want to be arrogant, but you worked hard to get where you are.

6. Thank You Note 

Once your audition is complete, you should consider sending a thank-you note to the faculty for taking their time to consider you for their school.

This is one last way to make a lasting impression.

Audition at the Best Music College

If you are struggling to find a music school you like or that fits your needs, we have constructed an article that details the best way to find the perfect music school for you.

At The Atlanta Institute of Music and Media, we know that the demand for creative, dynamic and passionate musicians is greater than ever before.

Thanks to advances in music technology, we can prepare you for a career that can take you anywhere you want to go.

We are changing the way the world experiences music. If you're an aspiring vocal performance artist, recording artist, or musician, then the Atlanta Institute of Music and Media school has what you're looking for.