Atlanta Music, Media and Audio Post Production School

5 Tips to Improve Your Vocal Performance / Step up to the Mic and Deliver

Written by AIMM Team | Aug 1, 2017 3:55:02 PM

Learn How to Improve Your Vocals Today

Not satisfied with your singing? If you are a singer wanting to discover new ways to increase vocal capabilities, we may be able to help you. 

Singers are always trying to find new ways to eliminate nasality, increase volume to their voice, and be more in key. 

If it is your goal to become a professional singer, we have 5 tips to improve your vocals. 

It will take practice and hard work for your body to become accustomed to the changes you'll be making, but you should hear a dramatic change in your voice. 

Let's cover 5 tips to improve your vocal performance.

1. The Development of a Power Posture

When preparing to sing, it is extremely important to align your body parts to support your sound, while eliminating tension.

Your breath travels from your lungs through your mouth, if there is a blockage in the passage, it can greatly affect your singing.

Proper posture should make a big difference in the amount of air flow that you can produce while singing and posture also has a powerful affect on mood and confidence.

2. The Breath of Life

Our vocals are dependent on how well we are breathing.

You cannot speak let alone sing without being able to breathe. When singing, words are expressed quite differently than when we are simply talking. The pitch, tone, volume, and tempo can make someone gasp for air if done incorrectly. 

Learning how to master proper breathing techniques is a key to instantly improving your vocal ability. When training the body to sing, deeper breathing is necessary to sound loud and clear. 

Once your body is used to proper and more efficient breathing, you should hear an improvement in your vocals. 

3. Stay Hydrated to Keep Performing at Your Best

Most people are aware that drinking water is important for health, however, many do not know it can affect your singing ability as well. 

Singing is correlated with mucous membranes, which function the most efficiently when the body is well hydrated.

Without sufficient amounts of water the voice may sound nasally and be difficult to hit certain notes. 

Whether you are an opera singer, pop singer, or heavy metal singer, the importance of drinking plenty of water, 8 glasses a day, will be the same for everyone.  

4. Warm Up Your Facial Muscles

The neck and facial muscles play an important role in someone's singing capabilities.

There are multiple muscles in the face and neck that need to work in harmony in order to create the sound making up your voice. 

The goal is to minimize the effort required to sing so that you can control the tone and pitch of your voice.

Warming up your facial muscles cannot be avoided.

Some movements which can prepare you voice for singing include: 

  • jaw stretch
  • yawn
  • eye roll 
  • eye brow life
  • pucker
  • smile  

Don't underestimate the value of vocal warmups.

5. Understanding the Drum to Understand Your Voice

In order to have proper singing technique it is essential to understand how the lungs, diaphragm, and chest cavity affect your singing capability.

These three essential parts can be thought of as a drum. If a drum is not tuned properly, it sounds boring and flat. 

When singing, you want to expand your rib cage by flexing the muscles that pull the ribs in an out, tightening the drum.

This will result in improved tones in your voice and an increase in lung capacity. You have to be able to project without the use of a fantastic dynamic microphone.

To effectively improve in this area, exercising the muscles properly is a must. Building endurance will allow your voice to become stronger and be able to last for longer periods of time. 

Contact our Atlanta Music School 

If you are an aspiring vocal performance artist or want to obtain a music degree, our Atlanta music school may be right for you. 

At The Atlanta Institute of Music and Media we provide our Vocal Music and Technology program students with the instructional environment necessary to develop both their technical and musical talents, and to acquire the skills to advance their musical aptitude and gain knowledge in the field of Vocal recording and engineering.

It is our goal to help vocal students obtain a career in music upon graduation.

We employ industry professionals who are at the forefront of their fields to provide the necessary instruction for our students to make it in the music industry. 

For more information about our Vocal Program, click on the button below.